Worksite injuries
Everyone deserves a safe workplace
People have the right to assume that their work site is reasonably safe. Far too often, safety shortcuts result in unnecessary injuries on the job. If that happens, we can provide the expertise to help determine if you have a claim against another party.
Results in worksite injuries
$19.5 million
Billboard worker electrocuted by nearby power lines, resulting in amputation and partial paraplegia.
$7.7 million
Construction worker fall causes spinal injury due to faulty scaffolding and exposure to hazardous gases.
$6 million
Worker engulfed in cement, suffering traumatic injuries.
Our attorneys
Our attorneys handle a broad variety of cases, including severe injury and wrongful death caused by vehicle accidents of all types, medical malpractice, product defects, construction site accidents and corporate wrongdoing, as well as damages caused by insurance misconduct.