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Work with our firm

Difficult cases demand seasoned trial lawyers — and we’ve been there. Operating with the highest ethical principles, Luvera Law Firm has a national reputation for obtaining exceptional results in major damage cases.

We encourage collaboration with attorneys on appropriate cases. In full compliance with legal ethics standards, we consult with attorneys throughout the United States to prepare and try cases.

For details about working with our firm, call (206) 467-6090 or email us at [email protected]Luvera Law Firm attorneys are licensed to practice in the state of Washington, but have handled cases in many other states with permission of the court and the association of local counsel.

Practice areas

Luvera Law Firm practice areas are limited to major damage cases on behalf of plaintiffs, and we do not represent insurance companies, do criminal defense work or defend damage cases. We conduct an in-depth review of each case before determining whether the association is appropriate.

The 10 attorneys and partners of Luvera Law Firm

Meet our team

We count judges, attorneys, public and corporate leaders, medical executives, providers, and insurance claims adjusters among those who choose us to represent them and refer others to our firm. 

"After being paralyzed while having my spine examined at Overlake Hospital Medical Center, I wanted an advocate who would seek justice for me, and pursue greater accountability. Luvera Law Firm is among the select few with the expertise needed. They earned a settlement in my case, and they understood I wanted to shed light on what happened and to use those lessons to make hospitals everywhere safer for patients. My attorneys helped me form a special working partnership with hospital executives, and now I'm applyin my background as a design expert to improve patient safety."
August de los Reyes
Medical malpractice